Paper Submission

General Information

Papers for Organized and General Sessions should describe original research results, be not published elsewhere before. The submitted papers are subject to a rigorous peer review process for their technical and practical contributions. There will be only quality check on workshop papers. All the accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. The minimum length of the paper is 2 pages. There is no limit on the maximum length, but papers with more than 8 pages will be subject to excess page charge of 20 USD per page.

Authors for Organized Sessions

Both oral and posters presentations will be accepted for Organized Sessions. All paper should be submitted through the Online Paper Submission system. When submitting a paper, one of the session titles should be chosen accordingly by authors.

Authors for Workshops

Only oral presentations will be accepted for Workshops. All paper should be submitted through the Online Paper Submission system. When submitting a paper, one of the session titles should be chosen accordingly by authors. One-page abstract only papers can be submitted to Workshops.

Authors for General Sessions

Both oral and poster presentations are possible for General Sessions. When submitting a paper, one of 4 presentation preferences (1. oral, 2. poster, 3. oral-preferred but poster available, 4. poster preferred but oral available) will be chosen by authors. The following general session are open for authors’ choice. Authors will choose the 1st and 2nd preferred session titles during the submission.

General Oral Session
GO01 Advanced Intelligent Technologies
GO02 Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering
GO03 Big Data Analysis and Learning Systems
GO04 Bioinformatics
GO05 Cognitive Modeling
GO06 Computational Intelligence
GO07 Data Mining and its Applications
GO08 Deep Learning and its Applications
GO09 Design and R&D Management
GO10 Fuzz Logic and Reasoning
GO11 Human Computer Interaction
GO12 Information Fusion and Decision Making
GO13 Intellectual Property
GO14 Intelligent Control and Robotics
GO15 Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
GO16 Intelligent Systems for Rehabilitation
GO17 Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
GO18 Neural Networks, Fuzzy, and Genetic Algorithms
GO19 Soft Intelligent and Computing
GO20 Ubiquitous and Wearable Computing
GO21 Vision and Sensors
GO22 4th Industrial Revolution and Industrial Policy
GO23 Other Applications
General Poster Session
GP01 Theories
GP02 Applications
GP03 Industries
GP04 Others
Registration Policy

At least one author of each paper must register for the conference in order for the paper to be included in the final program and the proceedings.

Paper Format

All authors are advised to follow the Springer-styled format in either MS-Word or Latex refering to the Author Guidelines in PDF:


Online Submission

Prospective authors should submit their papers electronically in the PDF format with a sign-up process on the following link:

Special Issues

Authors can submit the extended version of the accepted paper to the special issue of the following journals after the conference.

International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems (IJFIS) (ISSN / E-ISSN: 1598-2645 / 2093-744x, Publisher: KIIS) is recently accepted for inclusion in SCOPUS. The journal title will be loaded in SCOPUS soon.

Authors are encouraged to submit their papers to IJFIS after the conference.

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